Enviamos a toda Europa
We ship all over Europe

Legal notice

In accordance with Act 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society and E-Commerce Services, we hereby provide the following data:

Service provider: LANCASTER PLUS, S.L.U.

Registered address: PG Cova Solera – CL Londres, 2 | 08191 Rubí (Barcelona)

E-mail: info@localhost

Tax ID: B63086425

Company filed with the Companies Registry of Barcelona, Volume 44116, Folio 111, Section 8, Page B260858.

Privacy Policy

LANCASTER PLUS, S.L.U. hereby informs users that their personal data sent through this website will be included in a file regulated by Organic Act 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data.

The purpose of this file is to ensure the correct management of our relations with you and to send you commercial information about our services.

We also inform you that pursuant to Article 5 of the above Act, you are recognised the rights of Access, Correction, Cancellation and Objection to Processing in relation to the data in the File, which you may exercise by writing to LANCASTER PLUS, S.L.U., PG Cova Solera – CL Londres, 2 | 08191 Rubí (Barcelona). Or by sending an e-mail to info@localhost
